Toorkyaung Nature School

The Toorkyaung Nature School is located in Pyay. The school is for students aged between 2– 15 years. Unlike any other conventional schools, the students who are learning at this school will have great opportunities to play, experience, and explore in the natural environment and they will gain knowledge, wisdom and skills through Multiple Intelligences and Knowledge-Mind-Skill Integrated learning approach.

We firmly believe that an alternative education must teach and trainchildren to develop multiple intelligences including analytical skill, critical thinking skill, soft skill, and physical skill as whole child development. Our school will nurture their natural capacities and teach them to value and deep respect for the nature.


The Atmosphere

Our school’s campus atmosphere will be very much different from that of any preschool. One will not see furniture made of plastics. Instead, one will see playgrounds which are made of branches of trees, clay, sand and stones. Our outdoor living classrooms will be alive as an attempt to connect our students with the rhythm of the nature.


Outdoor Programs

We believe that as there are no nature schools.Our outdoor living classrooms programs will be a pioneer program for Myanmar Alternative Education. As we believe that intellectual development and readiness to learn are vital and our aim is to proliferate this new learning method throughout Myanmar.

Our Vision

We aim to create a sustainable natural learning environment in which children can learn to develop healthy bodies and intellect to think critically as the fundamental skills for improvement of their social life, in collaboration with parents and teachers.

We aim to set up an education system that is beneficial for the green planet and all living species considering humanistic view of thinking and loving-kindness instead of thinking without being considerate for others.

Our Mission

At our Toorkyaung Nature School, we adopt and apply developmentally appropriated Nature Play based, emergent based, theme based, project based through Multiple Intelligencesand Knowledge-Mind-Skillpractice to teach children to understand themselves and build up self-confidence by playing in the natural environment according to their age to gain good knowledge, high personality and skills.

This methodology is based on the natural environment and as a result it can fulfil the ever-changing diverse needs of the children. At the same time, the children will appreciate the method and gain high performancein meaningful life with necessary and useful knowledge, personality, and skills.

Our Core Values

We will try to promote as our top priority the appreciation of the value of the nature as the connection of human and the nature is the foundation for the learning, growth and development of the children.

  • We value the connection between all living things and the nature. ( the sustainable ecological system)
  • We aim to nurture the wonder in the nature and the value of the nature in children.

We aim to nurture the respect for the guidance of the nature in children.

We believe that there should be a good environment for children that can protect and nurture them to quickly develop.

As we understand that there is a need for children to develop the physical strength, intellectual strength, moral strength, social strength and momentary strength as per their respective age and based on these, our educational principles were laid out. We intend to promote and encourage their curiosity by implementing respective development programs suitable for different ages.

We believe that our Multiple Intelligences and Knowledge-Mind-Skill (MIKMS)learning approach will nurture and develop children’s knowledge(brain), mind (beautiful mind) and skill (body smart) equally.We believe that by developing the cognitive domains of perceiving, thinking, wondering, learning and keeping mindfulness,we will be able to provide necessary skills and aptitudes for their meaningful lives.

As children will be taught to learn new thinking methods and free learning will be encouraged, they will become problem-solvers, social dealers and creative thinkers.

These skills, bringing about strength in their children out of self-confidence, will enable them to ask these questions: Who am I? / What happens? / How can I manage to do it? /What is my dream? / What is my aim in life? Why should I do this? / Why should I not do it? /When should I do it?

We will help them to discover their talents in respective fields and the essence of learning.

Answering these questions is the basic aims of education. By this kind of teaching and learning, they will discover the areas they are good at and become educated persons .

We have sought sufficient knowledge for children. We studied children in the context of developmental process and their relationship with the nature, their body and mind in relationship with the nature comprehensively.

Our Multiple Intelligences and Knowledge-Mind-Skill (MIKMS) learning approach will bring about proportionate improvement necessary for the age appropriate development of children. We believe that the development of mind and matter, the nature and human creation should be harmonious, sustainable and proportionate.

Our school will teach them the basic principles for their personality, knowledge, skill and spirituality, the four main fields of our education system.

We are determined to nurture and develop human resources as evidence in the form of studious and outstanding students who are trying to protect and sustain the nature by linking the evolutionary process of development of the children with the nature.

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